State registration of births, marriages and deaths began in Ireland for all religious denominations from 1864; non
Roman Catholic marriages were registered from 1845. However it is believed that from 10 to 15 per cent of births, marriages and deaths, in the latter nineteenth century, were not registered. INDEXES. There are indexes to births, marriages and deaths available. ACTUAL ENTRIES. The
main information, of genealogical use, on the actual entries are: Births to 1997. the date and place of birth; the name (if any); the sex; the name, surname and dwelling place of the father; the name, surname, maiden name and dwelling place of the mother; the rank, profession or occupation of the father; the name of the informant and his/her address and qualifications e.g. present at birth.
HERE for sample of a blank page of early Birth
Register (source: Marriage. the date when married; the names and surnames of each of the parties marrying; their respective ages (from 1956 their dates of birth); their condition e.g. bachelor, spinster, widow or widower; their rank, profession or occupation; their residence at the time of marriage (from 1956 their intended address after marriage also);
the name and surname of the father of each of the
parties and their rank, profession or occupation (from 1956 the mothers' names are also included). Deaths. The date and place of death; the name and surname of the deceased; the sex of the deceased; the condition of the deceased as to marriage; the age of the deceased at last birthday; the rank, profession or occupation of the deceased; the certified cause of death and the duration of the final illness; the name of the informant, his/her address and qualifications.
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