Genealogical and Historical Research Service in Ireland


The records that survive vary between counties and are located in a number of repositories. They include the following:-

Register of Electors also called Electoral Rolls or Freeholders Lists.
These are lists of all persons entitled to vote based on the legislation of the time.
In the case of County Louth those so far known to exist, though latter years may not be available to view, are:-

1821     (County Louth excluding Drogheda, organised by baronies)

1822     (County Louth organised by baronies)

1824     (County Louth organised by baronies),

1824-5 (County Louth, including Drogheda County Borough, freeholders registered in that year)

1825-6 (County Louth freeholders registered in that year)

1826-7 (County Louth freeholders registered in that year from Jan 1826 to Jan 1827)

1831     (Drogheda County Borough, list includes 40s freeholders)

1842     (County Louth excluding Drogheda, organised by baronies)

1851-2 (County Louth, baronies of Ardee & Louth).

1852     (County Borough of Drogheda - persons entitled by being rated occupiers)

1874     (Polling Districts of Dunleer and Louth only).

1885     (County Louth, organised by polling districts of Ardee; Carlingford; Castlebellingham; Collon;
               Dundalk including list of persons registered by the County Court Judge; Dunleer; Louth; Mell;
               Ravensdale & Termonfeckin).

1885     (Supplemential Lists - January and July for County Louth, organised by polling districts of
               Ardee; Carlingford; Castlebellingham; Collon; Drogheda; Dromiskin; Dundalk; Dunleer;
               Louth; Mell; Ravensdale; Reaghstown & Termonfeckin);

1885-6 (All County Louth, based on polling districts of Ardee; Carlingford; Castlebellingham;
              Collon; Drogheda; Dromiskin; Dundalk; Dunleer; Louth; Mell; Ravensdale; Reaghstown, &

1898     (Polling District of Castlebellingham only)

1915     (All County Louth organised by polling districts).

1941-     to present (all County Louth, organised by polling districts).

Voters' Registers Papers.
1928         Polling Stations (Provisional scheme for Polling Districts & Polling Places.

1931-2     Army voters

1931-2     University voters (in whole country for University of Dublin and National University of Ireland)

1931-4     Claims and objections (only a few names mentioned).


Poll Books (i.e. pre 1872).
These are lists of those who voted and the candidates for whom they voted.
In the case of County Louth those so far known to exist for years:

1715             (Dunleer)

1768             (Ardee) PRONI T2842

1798             (Drogheda);

1802             (Drogheda);

1832             (Dundalk);

1847-1852   (Posters listing some voters, County Louth)

1852             (County Louth organised by baronies & Drogheda)

1857             (County Louth organised by baronies and listing names per townland)

1865             (County Louth excluding Dundalk Town & Drogheda Borough).


Records of Barrister’s Quarter Sessions
Some local newspapers reported on these courts and the names of those who were added to the Register of Electors. For example on 21 September 1830 all applications to register freeholds in County Louth (excluding Drogheda County Borough) were published in The Drogheda Journal.

By January 1838 for Drogheda and Dundalk the following was reported:-

“Drogheda: - On Tuesday last the Civil Bill Sessions for the County of the Town of Drogheda were held in the Tholsel, before Richard Moore Esq., Assistant Barrister for the county of Louth, when the following persons were registered as Electors:-

Michael Bird, Freeman;
John Carny, West-Street, Householder;
Stephen Drew, Shop-Street, Do;
Thos. Lynch, Laurence’s-street, do;
Francis M’Cann, White Park, do;
Patrick Mathews, Annagor, do;
Robert Morton, Fair-Street, do.

The Barrister then disposed of 170 Civil Bills, and one Ejectment case.

Dundalk:- The Sessions for the County of Louth commenced at Dundalk on Wednesday, and terminated late on Friday. The following persons were registered for the Borough of Dundalk:-

John Clarke, Barrack-street, gentleman;
James Crawley, Church-lane, skinner;
Bryan Duffy, Dublin street, dealer;
George Eyre, Clanbrassil-street, brazier;
Bernard Grant, Clanbrassil-street, Grocer;
Patrick Kieran, Nicholas-street, mason;
James Lennan, Park-street, dealer;
Wm Maxwell, Barrack-street, merchant;
Philip M’Kinnin, Jocelyn-street, labourer;
John M’Bride, M’Bride’s Entry, yeoman;
Edward Mooney, Crowe street, gentleman;
James Murphy, Bridge street, dealer;
Joseph Parker, Chapel Lane, shoemaker;
Thomas Read, Park-street, carpenter;
Peter Russell, Wellington Place, gentleman;
Peter Roddy, Castletown Lane, yeoman;
Joseph White, Church street, dealer;
James Woods, Quay street, blacksmith;

The number of Civil Bills was 630
There were 17 Electors registered for the county - six of whom were Reformers and eleven Conservatives.”

(Source: The Drogheda Journal, 9 January 1838, p.4, Drogheda Library)


Again in June we find:-

‘Barrister’s Quarter Sessions

The Barrister’s Sessions, which were adjourned from Saturday last, were held on yesterday before Richard Moore, Esq., Assistant-Barrister. There were 130 Civil Bills disposed of, and 8 Ejectments. The following persons were registered:-

Householders -

Bartholomew Cartan,
Rev. John Donnellan,
Patrick Dollard,
Lathum Fairthlough,
Robert Finegan,
Patrick Finegan,
John Healy,
James Kennedy,
Joseph Kenny,
James M’Ardle, jun,
James M’Minn,
Michael Mackin,
James Murphy,
John Shegog,
Edward Traynor,
Michael John Verdon,
John Walsh,
Thomas Walsh,
Thomas Warren.


Francis Ball.

Freeholder -

Francis Ball

Freeman -

William Robinson,
Saint George Smith,
William Thomas Smith,
St. George Smith, jun,
Thomas Taylor.’

(Source: The Drogheda Journal, 26 June 1838, p.4, Drogheda Library).

By 1861 a fuller recording of these Revision Courts was given:-

‘Local Reports
Revision Court.

John Leahy, Esq, Q.C., Revising Barrister for the county of Louth, held a court for the revision of persons entitled to vote for a member of Parliament for the borough of Drogheda, in the court-house of the Tholsel, on Saturday last.

Mr. Pelham J. Mayne appeared on behalf of the Conservatives, and Mr. W. A. McKenna for the Liberals.
Mr. W. Magee, Clerk of the Peace for the county of the town, was also in attendance for the purposes of making the returns in accordance with the orders of the revising barrister.
James Rogers, of Townrath, was objected to by Mr. Mayne , because of his having sublet a portion of his holding.
Thomas Kelly proved that Rogers had given him a portion of his land in which to set potatoes, but, if he did, it was free, gratis, for nothing (laughter).
John Rogers, father of the person in question, was next examined, and admitted his son had let out portion of his land in con-acre.
The name was struck off the list.
The Rev. James Mackin and the Rev. Mr. McKee, R.C.C., claimed to be rated out of premises in Fair-street, against which an objection was lodged by the Conservatives.
Mr. Mayne said the nature of his objection was, that the names of those reverend gentlemen did not appear on the rate books, and therefore they were not entitled to have their names placed on the registry. However, he had a summons served upon them, to appear there to give evidence, and as they failed to do so, he called upon his lordship to fine them.
Wilson, one of the officers of the court, disposed that he served the summons on the Rev. Mr. McKee personally, to whom he offered a shilling, but after reading it over, he threw it on the ground, and said he would not attend. On the other hand, he had been received most courteously by the Rev. Mr. Mackin. ....
His Worship, said he was surprised that any clergyman would set such an example in getting a summons, to treat the court in such a disgraceful manner .... He would fine the reverend gentleman 40s. .... Every man no matter whether he was a clergyman, a bishop or a lord, was bound to attend to the summons of the court, and it would be lowering the dignity of the one over which he had the honour of presiding , if he permitted such an act to pass without making his sense of disappropriation. ...
Mr. McKenna proposed to ask Wilson if he had ever been convicted and imprisoned for a perjury.
Wilson refused to answer the question, and his lordship declined to press him.

[The article goes on through a number of persons objected to on the Registry and finishes with the overall position as follows]


The following Liberals were struck off on the present revision:

Adams, William; West-street,
Balfe, Augustin; Bullring,
Beahan, Owen; Lissenhall,
Boyle, George; Chord Road,
Brennan, Patrick; West-street,
Byrne, Patrick; Dyer-street,
Campbell, John; George’s-street,
Carney, John; Killineer,
Carroll, Laurence; Duleek-gate’
Carroll, James; Ballymakenny,
Cluskey, Christopher; Shop-street,
Collins, Nicholas; James-street,
Carvill, William H.; Newry,
Carvill, Patrick G.; Newry,
Carvill, James L.; Newry,
Coffey, Thomas; Peter-street,
Collins, John; Shop-street,
Collins, Edward; Stockwell-lane,
Collins, Michael; James’s-street,
Connolly, James; North Quay,
Courtney, Bartholomew; Bullring,
Coyle, Patrick; Brianstown,
Coyle, Richard, Brianstown,
Connor, Michael; Shop-street,
Crowe, James; Peter-street,
Curran, James; Prospect Road,
Curtis, James jun; Peter-street,
Curtis, Thomas; Peter-street,
Cusack, John; New Quay,
Devine, P.; Magdalene-street,
Daly, MIchael; Duleek-gate,
Durnin, Michael; Bullring,
Dowdall, Patrick; Yellowbatter,
Dyas, William; Dublin Road,
Ennis, Bartholomew; Boyne Terrace,
Eggleston, Henry; Bryanstown,
Farrell, Charles C.; Dublin,
Faulkner, John; Carntown,
Faulkner, James; Carntown,
Finegan, Rev Thomas; John-street,
Finegan, Andrew; Hardman’s Gardens,
Flanagan, Joseph; Yellowbatter,
Green, Luke; Moneymore,
Grendon, P.; Barrack-lane,
Grendon, John; Barrack-lane,
Guy, Joseph; Peter-street,
Heally, James; Legavoreen,
Hughes, Michael; Laurence-street,
Keappock, Anthony jun; West-street,
Keappock, James J.; West-street,
Kelly, Thomas; Gormanstown,
Kennedy, James; North Quay;
Kelly, Nicholas; West-street,
Kertland, William; West-street,
Kevitt, Patrick; Duleek-gate,
Kirk, Thomas; Hamlinstown,
Kirwan, Peter; Yellowbatter,
Ledwidge, Michael; Newtown,
Magill, Michael; Newtown Stalaban,
Maguire, Patrick; Commons,
Maguire, Patrick; West-street,
Magrath, Thomas; North Strand,
Mohan, Peter; Shop-street,
Moore, Thomas, mariner; Moneymore,
Moore, Patrick; Fair-street,
Mulholland, Bernard; King-street,
Mulloy, John; Gravel Walk,
Munster, Matthew; Commons,
Maguire, Thomas; Moneymore,
M’Donnell, John, shoemaker; Peter-street,
M’Donnell, John; Peter-street,
M’Govern, Michael; North Strand,
Nugent, Robert; Duke-street,
Norris, Nicholas; Ballymakenny,
Pentony, John; Sunday’s-gate,
Pentony, Michael; Sunday’s-gate;
Rogers, J.; Townrath,
Ryan, John; William-street,
Sherlock, Patrick; Duleek-gate,
Sherlock, James; Duleek-gate,
Sullivan, John; Windmill Road,
Sheridan, Patrick; West-street,
Tierney, Nicholas; Hill of Rath,
Ternan, Laurence; Greenhills,
Ternan, John; Greenhills,
Thompson, R.; North Road,
Thornton, Thomas; Laurence-gate,
Thornton, Henry; Patrick-street,
Traynor, John; Commons,
Tumalti, Bernard; Palace-street,
Ward, Peter; Dyer-street,
Woods, Nicholas; Doncarney,
Woods, NIcholas; Green Lanes.

The following Conservatives were struck off:-

Bamford, John,
Codd, Charles,
Crawford, Rev. James (dead),
Egginton, Robert,
Gee, John,
Gower, John (dead),
Hoey, Rev. William,
Parsons, John,
Patchell, John,
Pepper, George (dead),
Prichard, Richard,
Roy, William; Carntown (dead),
Sherrard, James Corry,
Singleton, Richard.


The following new Conservative names were added:-

Cooper, Henry A.; Cooperhill,
Fairthlough, Rev. Edward; Ardagh,
Glenny, David; West-street,
Grendon, George; Ironworks,
Harbinson, Hugh; West-street,
Hardman, Edward Townley; Palace-st.,
Horan, Arthur W.; St. Peter’s,
Leland, Henry F.; James’s-street,
Morton, William; Fair-street,
Osbourne, F.W., J.P.; Smithstown,
Porter, William Thomas; Peter-street,
Rathborne, Henry T.; Virginia,
Smith, John Henry; West-street,
Stotesbury, Richard; William-street,
Waugh, James; Laurence-street.

Out of eighteen Liberal claims but six were sustained, viz:-

Brady, Thomas; Thomas-street,
Donnelly, Hugh; West-street,
Hoey, Peter; Magdalene-street,
McKee, Rev. Henry; Fair-street,
Mathews, Peter; Church-lane,
Walsh, Joseph; Chord Road.’

(Source: The Conservative, 26 October 1861, Drogheda Library).


Minutes of Local Councils.
Seventeenth and eighteenth century minute books, e.g. Drogheda Corporation, record persons who have been made freeholders or entitled to vote.?

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I would like to thank the staffs of the National Archives of Ireland, National Library of Ireland, and Louth County Library (Dundalk and Drogheda) for help in locating the above sources.

Please send any comments on above Genealogical & Historical Research Service by e-mail to:
© MP McConnon, MC Research, Sea Bank Road, Castlebellingham, Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland
(Original uploaded 1 May 2004) Last update 16 September 2023.