Genealogical and Historical Research Service in County Louth, Ireland - Joe Biden ancestors


Dividing Line

Joe  Biden  (former USA  Vice  President)
and  his  Irish Finnegan  Ancestors


Dividing Line

Business Directory

It would seem from the death notice, in the Ovid Bee newspaper, of the child Thomas Finnegan that Owen was residing in Ovid by 1855. By 1867, after George Finnegan left Ovid,  Owen was listed, below, in the Child's Gazetteer and Business Directory of Seneca County, NY, 1867-8, p.149. (Source:

            Child's Gazatteer & Business Directory, Seneca County, 1867-8

In the same Directory he would have seen some advice, for young men, on 'How To Succeed in Business'. (
Click to see Page 90, Page 91 & Page 92). I wonder did it bring to mind his time in Ireland and recall, besides the natural disaster with the potato crop, the failure of the public authorities to adequately deal with the problem; the inability to have any real say in local never mind national affairs and no matter how hard he worked benefit would likely accrue to others - the 'enemies to freedom'. It is small wonder he and his neighbours allowed their young sons to fight in the Civil War.

          I hope the above will be of some help to descendants researching their family history.


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© MP McConnon, MC Research, Seabank, Castlebellingham, Dundalk, County Louth, Ireland.
(Original uploaded 20 January 2009). Last update 03 January 2022.